The 7 Memes - I've been tagged!!
Thanks to the intrepid Feast Crusader, the gorgeous Steph of mana makan - the feast crusade, I've been meme-tagged!
And to think that a mere 24 hours ago, this blog-anderthal hadn't heard about memes and tagging :) Ah, how simple life was then ... hahahhahha! OK, so here it goes:
7 Things to do before I die In no particular order ....
1. Go skydiving (haha! this from a person who gets sick on a ferris wheel!)
2. Meet Oprah (I so admire her)! And Jennifer Aniston (we have the exact same b'day)
3. Learn to bellydance (done that!!!!)
4. Marry the love of my life (done that!!!) & live happily ever after
5. Catch a performance of Verdi's Aida under the stars in Egypt by the pyramids
6. Do something truly charitable quietly, humbly, with no expectation of recognition or reward
7. Learn to experience true inner calm ... while on a fantasy dream holiday in Italy or Bali
7 Things I cannot do 1. I can't cook a decent meal ... but I can eat and do it well :-)
2. I cannot speak Mandarin (but I plan to learn!)
3. I cannot bear to see animals in pain
4. I cannot watch news footage of soldiers screaming in English and waving their weapons at terrified civilans who don't understand the language. Makes my blood boil!5. I cannot understand cricket and I can't play any sport which involves a ball such as tennis, netball and softball
6. I cannot understand or tolerate racism, sexism and overinflatedegoism & try hard not be guilty of any of them though I fail sometimes
7. I cannot remember telephone numbers but can sing you jingles from the 1970s & 80s (eg. ALL the lyrics to the Courtesy Song) and remember all sorts of nonsense nursery rhymes.
7 Things that attract me to blogging
1. The blogosphere is one huge democracy ... i *think*
2. Blogging is fun
3. It's easy to start blogging
4. My cousin has a blog on her beautiful hand-crafted jewellery, and it was she who inspired me to start a blog
5. Some blogs are fun to read although I must say that some make you feel like a voyeour as people expose so much of themselves sometimes!
6. You can blog and look like you're busy at work ... hahhahahahha!
7. I've met some lovely people through my blog and others
7 Things I say most often
1. Please and Thank you
2. Fartiang/Farfiang/Fartie
3. You're joking!
4. Yikes!
5. Honestly...
6. You ahhhhhh!
7 Books I love
(Now this doesn't mean I've read these very recently, but they are on my bookshelf and have been read more than once ... some, many more times than once)
1. Anything written by Anita Desai
2. Hotel du Lac, Anita Brookner (love all her work even if it gets depressing)
3. 'Tis (and Angela's Ashes), Frank McCourt
4. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
5. EVERYTHING written by Isabel Allende
6. The books of The Belgariad and The Mallorean (David Eddings)
7. Anything written by R K Narayan
OK, now you got me started! I'm a pretty promiscuous reader and other old and new favourites include almost anything by Margaret Atwood, almost anything by Amy Tan, The Know It All by AJ Jacobs, Galileo's Daughter by Dava Sobel, The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ann Rule's true crime novels, all the beading books I can get my hands on, Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (ah, the tortured Heathcliff), any book on mythology, Laughable Loves and The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, Leadership by Rudolph Guilliani, Carrie by Stephen King (and many other Stephen King spine-tinglers) ...
7 Movies/DVD's I watch again and againHonestly, I'm not a big movie buff, but I'd watch these movies again:
1. Star Wars
2. The Empire Strikes Back
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Bend it like Beckham
5. Monsoon Wedding
6. The Wong Fei Hong movies with Jet Li
7. To Kill a Mockingbird ... loooooved Gregory Peck in that one
OK, I lied. I can't name just seven. I loved Val Kilmer in The Saint and will watch it again and again just to drool. I also loved Shrek. And while it's not a movie, I love the Wonder Woman series. When I grow up, I want to be her! Heh heh heh. Oh and Children of Heaven ... LOVED IT. I also enjoyed LOTR. And I have definitely watched Ocean's Eleven more than once.
7 Tags
... but only if the tagged want to play :)
1. Belinda and her gorgeous Bellee Beadz collection
2. The irrepressible and always positive entertainer, Suzie Wong
I love the Belgeriad series too! And thanks for calling me gorgeous leh! You never told me you got eyesight problems! LOL.
I started on that David Eddings series - the first few I believe - and then gave up after a while cos the plot just got more and more spaced out. Think I exited Fantasy Fiction soon after.
mm - Yeah, wasn't the Belgariad goooood? Nice to escape to fantasy land!
3a gurl - Fantasy is an acquired taste I guess :-) I didn't get into it until in was in my 20s! I actually really like Robert Jordan too, but until he finishes his never-ending Wheel of Time, I'm not going to touch a single book of his.
That's how I feel about the Wheels of Time series too. They were so bloody thick I once used one as a door stop. Love fantasy series and been reading them since I was a kid after reading Arthur C Clarke for the first time.
mm - Yeah, I agree with you about Jordan's super-thick books. And what irked me halfway (apart from having to wait a whole year or more for the next instalment)was that I felt he was just filling pages and prolonging the agony.
When I found myself speed-reading through some chapters, I knew it was time to take a break for a while.
I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't read Arthur C Clarke ... heh.
I noticed that you are reading The Know it All so I wanted to mention my blog, which I think you might like too. I was so inspired by Jacob's book that I have begun reading the Encyclopedia Britannica as well. I try to bring the same combination of trivia, life experiences, and humor to my blog. You can read it here:
And regarding your list of reasons to blog, I wholeheartedly agree with #2.
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