Adventures in Seed Beading
The reason why there was no new post yesterday was because I was busy going blind. Don't ask me why (ok, blame it on pretty book covers and misplaced confidence), but I decided to try my hand at seed beading.
And being from the school of stuff-the-instructions, my seed-beading adventures were uh ... interesting to say the least!
Anyway, pictured above is the result of a couple of hours of squinting, dropping miniscule beads all over the living room and realising that itty-bitty beads and long fingernails don't go together.On the right is a pic of the tools of the trade and the beginnings of a neck-thing to go with the ear-ring.... if I ever finish it. The pen is in the pic to provide perspective.
Wish me luck!
You are so patient. I still remember sewing seed beads on my veil for the Esplanade performance and it was only a handful and it took me ages!
Oh dear me! Does this mean you're having to build 2 extra 'work rooms' instead of one!
Hehehehehhe! I need a new house for crafts :-) And if I continue doing this seed beading thing, perhaps a new pair of eyes too :)
One House of Crafts coming up, with individual suites for lease or hire, located next to a House of Music & Dance, with individual studio suites for lease or hire. Now, when is the multi-million Toto draw for CNY 2006?
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